Monday, November 13, 2006

Rodents and homonids: best laid plans...

So I've been thinking about this blog and its purpose. Why am I writing it? Why should people read it? In an attempt to answer those questions, I started coming up with a plan.
It starts like this. I have a "musician/band" account on I also plan on starting a new blog that will contain a serialized version of a story that I am writing. On top of those, if I find that I am starting to go off on political rants, or environmental rants, then I may decide to create a blog specifically for those purposes. Where does that leave NakedNotes? Simply, NakedNotes will be the nerve center. It's the place where one can com to see the overall view of my contributions to the blogosphere. Here one can keep track of all my other projects, and read the behind the scenes commentary on what is going on with them. It is the center of my own little web. As such, I also don't feel so bad using it as a simple online journal, as well.

This is, after all, the place where I remove the hats and trappings of any specific objective
and roam unclothed and undisguised. It is NakedNotes.

So to get started, I need to begin those other blogs... the myspace one already exists, and needs updating. The others will be on their way shortly...


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