Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Green Corps

I spent the weekend busily making myself look good for a Green Corps Interview weekend. Something like 75 of us were there, competing for four or five spots on next year's team.
It was a blast, and it really made it clear to me how much I really want to get into Environmental Organizing.
Green Corps is a training program for people who want to become organizers for environmental causes and such. And it's a paid program, too. What a dream job! But the competition is fierce... the others who were there were all at least as qualifies as I was.

So now I'm sitting here at home after a day at work, waiting for my phone to ring. They told us that if we're in, we'll get a call today. It's after 7:00pm already, but they did say that there might be some late calls. I'm going crazy. I'm jumping out of my skin every time the phone rings. My heart starts beating like an epileptic squirrel. It's quite the aerobic workout.
I'm not holding my breath, though. I know that my chances of getting a call at this point are close to none. But it sure would be nice!

On the other hand, one of the other candidates pointed me in the direction of nonprofitwatch.org, a website that reports on sketchy behavior from nonprofit organizations. They have a section for Green Corps. It's not a pretty read. I keep wondering how much of it is valid and how much is from jilted workers who are just bitter about not getting what they wanted...

Well, whether I get in or not, I'm moved to start getting active about the environment again. Anyone want to help me start a group?


At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comments.

I'm currently in the process of applying to Green Corps, and will be attending the second round interview next weekend.

Do you have any advice? I also read the comments on nonprofit watch and was a little put off. Did you experience anything of that sort?

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, so that was a very long time ago... let see what I can remember...I actually quite enjoyed the interview weekend. I didn't get the position, but from what I heard from the people I met who did get in, I'm glad I didn't. You have to be willing to be a script-reading, pseudo-activist pawn in order to get along in that system, it seems.
I'd still go to the 2nd round interview if I were you, though. Just for the hell of it. It's a good experience to have.


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