Feeling better... I think
I don't know, maybe it's the drugs, but I am feeling so much better tonight than I did last night. *So* much better. Plus, I got to ride around jacket-less on my bike commute today. What a great feeling! Physically, anyway. Mentally it was a reminder that we are doing very strange things to our environment. Now I'm not saying that global warming can be held accountable for all 20 degrees above average that it was today... but it certainly has an effect!
Global Warming is a very big deal, actually, as many of you probably know. It's not a 20 degree thing, though, or we'd all be dead already. The average global increase in temperature is more like one degree Celsius... but as far as global averages go, that's a huge thing. It throws off weather patterns all over the world in very unpredictable ways.
So I guess what I'm saying is that, although we haven't warmed the Earth by 20 degrees, we have warmed it enough that this bizarre weather pattern occurred, and this weather pattern has caused a local increase of 20 degrees. Have I lost everybody yet? I guess if you get it, you probably already knew it, and if you don't, I may not be the one to ask! ;)
Well, it's time to devote a good solid hour to editing my story for NakedMiles. Hopefully I'll have found a way to resolve the pacing issues in the next segment. And y'all can expect that new segment to arrive on your screens sometime next Monday. I say that so I'll feel pressure to actually get the work done by then, and I hope that leverage works better for me than it has for Arin and Susan over at Four Eyed Monsters. Episode 9 of their podcasts is about two months late!
Labels: drugs, environment, four eyed monsters, global warming, weather